Cowboy On The Run

You gotta give it to Jay Chou.

While I generally like his music, and even attended his concert in KL a few years back, I lost interest in Jay Chou's songs since November's Chopin. Perhaps it was so much his style I thought he became quite predictable.

Until I caught this MV on Channel V.

I'm not too sure why he did this, but it was really refreshing from his usual style, not to mention it's hilarious as well. Haven't really digested the lyrics yet, but I have to give him credit to be daring enough to experiment. He is after all, Jay Chou :)


曲:周杰伦 词:黄俊郎

呜啦啦啦火车笛 随着奔腾的马蹄 小妹妹吹着口琴 夕阳下美了剪影
我用子弹写日记 介绍完了风景 接下来换介绍我自己

我虽然是个牛仔 在酒吧只点牛奶 为什么不喝啤酒 因为啤酒伤身体
很多人不长眼睛 嚣张都靠武器 赤手空拳就缩成蚂蚁

不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 不用麻烦不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了
你们一起上 我在赶时间 每天决斗观众都累了 英雄也累了
不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 副歌不长你们有几个 一起上好了
正义呼唤我 美女需要我 牛仔很忙的

我啦啦啦骑毛驴 因为马跨不上去 洗澡都洗泡泡浴 因为可以玩玩具
我有颗善良的心 都只穿假牛皮 喔跌倒时尽量不压草皮

枪口它没长眼睛 我曾经答应上帝 除非是万不得已 我尽量射橡皮筋
老板先来杯奶昔 要逃命前请你 顺便喂喂我那只小毛驴

不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 不用麻烦不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了
你们一起上 我在赶时间 每天决斗观众都累了 英雄也累了
不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 副歌不长你们有几个 一起上好了
正义呼唤我 美女需要我 牛仔很忙的


Anonymous said…
oh is it..? me as well.. I just have 放弃 his music from the same CD. I will try "niu zai hen mang" :) Good information!