
I foresee myself to be extremely stressed out at work for at least the next three to four months. Rudy (who was just promoted manager) and I had just announced the new re-organisation for our two teams after brainstorming for a couple of months. There's a lot of work to be done, and I am already worried of the staff welfare as the next few months won't be easy for them.

Found this article online. It clearly shows that stress is becoming a factor why people quit their jobs, and perhaps why the turnaround is high within my organisation, even within manager level. :(

More workers cite stress for quitting

A whopping 37 per cent stated stress level as their number one reason to leave their jobs, according to an annual global survey done by Watson Wyatt

BOSSES should pay more attention if employees complain of stress. It could be a sign that they might quit, a survey found.

For the first time ever, stress is one of the key reasons why people leave their jobs, according to an annual global survey done by Watson Wyatt, a consulting firm.

Previously, the main reasons for quitting were better career opportunities and a higher base pay.

"Surprisingly, the finding is not only indicated in the US and Europe but it is shared among employees in Asia as well," Rachelle Arcebal, a consultant, said in an interview in Kuala Lumpur recently.

The 2007/2008 Global Strategic Rewards study examines how companies in Asia-Pacific, Canada, Europe, Latin America and US attract and keep their staff.

Interestingly, she said the study found more similarities among the regions than differences.

"Regardless of location, most employers do not fully understand why an employee choose to join or leave their organisation," she said.

"Most employers also underestimate the importance of stress, work and life balance as a major influence in attrition," Arcebal added.

A total of 946 companies across 22 countries participated in this year's survey. This represents more than 15 million employees.

Of this, a whopping 37 per cent had stated stress level as their number one reason to leave their jobs.

Another 33 per cent said better base pay, 26 per cent said promotion opportunity and 23 per cent wanted better career development.

Managing consultant Vivek Nath suggested that employers communicate effectively with their staff to find out the cause of stress.

"They must go directly to employees and address it accordingly, or they are at risk of losing their best talent especially now that employment opportunities are not just confined in the domestic sector but at the international level too," he said.

This year, Watson Wyatt will do a separate survey to find out the cause of stress and suggestions to address them.
