Kotak Mancis Dua Puluh

On our way back from dinner, hubby popped a CD into the car CD player. I couldn't recognised the singer so I asked him who is this.

Hubby : Kotak Mancis Dua Puluh.
Me : HUH?
Hubby : Matchbox 20 la, if you translate in BM.

We then spent some time conjuring up BM translations of some singers and bands, which I found quite hilarious.

Meat Loaf - Sebuku Daging

Coldplay - Main Sejuk

Fall Out Boys - Lelaki Jatuh Keluar (my translation) ; Budak Terkeluar (hubby's translation)

Imagine if we do BM translation for these?

Backstreet Boys - Budak Lorong Belakang

Pussycat Dolls - Patung Kucing

Black Eyed Peas - Kacang (?) Mata Hitam - anyone knows what's BM for 'peas'?

Papa Roach - Bapa Lipas

Air Supply - Bekal Udara

Anyone has anymore translations to share?


Lilium said…
Destiny Child - Takdir Anak
New Kids On The Block - Budak Baru atas Blok
Spice Girl - Gadis Rempah
Savage Garden - Taman Bunga Ganas

Lilium said…
Pea = Kacang Pis
n i l e e y said…
LOL, i didn't think of Savage Garden...hahaha!
Audioslave - Hamba Bunyi
Stone Temple Pilots - Juruterbang Kuil Batu
Lifehouse - Rumah Nyawa.

Seems like only bands and groups can have their names translated. Haha.
ChinoDevean said…
aiya, I´ve called Coldplay Main Sejuk for awhile... and you should´ve heard I always refer to smashing pumpkins as Smashing Labu-labu...
Unknown said…
lol.. this reminds me of shyan calling Radiohead Kepala Radio. cracks me up everytime.