Wedding DIY - Church Wedding Booklet

Inspired by DIY weddings, I also came up with a few DIY projects of my own, first one being our church wedding booklet.

Since we were getting married in church, it is without a doubt we needed to print church wedding booklets for the guests. Our church parish office provided us with the soft copy template so I only needed to fill in the Gospel readings, our names and songs. The formatting was a slight pain though since I wanted different header fonts.

As for the cover, I went to Evangel to check out their booklet covers. They are all very nice, but pricey! At least RM2.00 for each cover, and the nice ones are RM3.20 per piece. I don't want to spend so much on the covers, knowing the guest will just throw them away...

Hence the birth of Plan B - To make my own church booklet cover :)

For the background, I chose the same picture as when I posted my engagement ring - the brochure cover of Sime Darby Convention Centre.

I placed both our wedding bands on top of the brochure cover and started taking lots of photos! In the end, I selected this picture :

Next would be some basic skills on Photoshop to make it a little more 'artistic'. Mind you I'm a total newbie to Photoshop-like programs, so the outcome was an achievement to me!

After I got my picture right, I did up the wordings of the booklet cover. Again, the formatting took some time, as I had different font sizes (depending on which word I wanted to emphasise on ).

Once I was satisfied with the outcome, I printed the covers on cream A4 paper from our home printer. We made around 50 books so it didn't take too long to complete the covers.

The last step was to visit our neighbourhoold photocopy shop, and request them to print, fold and stapler-bind the booklet. That took about one day, and cost us RM0.50 per book. Not too bad after all.

So here's the final result :

The final cost is less than RM1 per booklet. More importantly I get the satisfaction of coming up with something completely my own :)
