After delaying for the longest time, I finally had time to spring clean my cupboard and drawers! I can't recall if I ever did a thorough spring clean since I got married so one can imagine how much junk I have collected for the past 3 years!
Here are some 'interesting' stuff I found during my spring clean :
Left handed calligraphy set.
Oto-san is very good at calligraphy but unfortunately I did not inherit his talent.
Looks like I still will keep most of my stuff, just a matter of re-organising them only. Wish I have a craft room all to myself...
Here are some 'interesting' stuff I found during my spring clean :
Lenovo "THINK" stickers, when they just entered the PC market in 2006
I love the subtle message on this Miss Piggy Post-It Note :)
Beautiful Japanese stationery by my ex-boss who is a Japanese.
This Post-It Note is designed by Nina Jobs.
Stila Postcard when they first entered the Malaysian market.
The cosmetic brand was pulled out from Malaysia in 2009.
I kept these Elle Sports notebooks since I was in secondary school!
Till now still not willing to use it. Looks like it will belong to DC in future...
Failed Christmas tree ornament project. I suck big time with felt craft :(
I did this back in Dec 2010 while pregnant with DC but didn't know I was pregnant then.
Left handed calligraphy set.
Oto-san is very good at calligraphy but unfortunately I did not inherit his talent.
Looks like I still will keep most of my stuff, just a matter of re-organising them only. Wish I have a craft room all to myself...